This is Evellia... Evellia is the leader of her own "gang", "The Batidora Gang" (name given by Adulio). And Cleio's Little sister.
Evellia is a arrogant, tomboish, hotheaded girl... she often to get to rage easy, even though she is quite optimistic...
well it cause of her Father leave to go too the Army... and gone for a very long time...
She seems to have a total hatred too Mizuki, cause of her being "a bum lover..." cause she often to get pantsed by Mizuki most of the time, cause Mizuki likes her butt more like Jaabili's, Becky's, Sora's, Elska's, 'Lo Lani's, and Tina's....
Evellia always call Mizuki a "Freak"... she doesn't care how upset she'll get... she just hate her from doing what she do to her all the time...
Eve often to keep all her anger, and sadness inside of her cause of her Father's Army Trip... and her Mother Passed away...
Fun Fact: She has a bad case of Sugar rush when eaten candy, or ice cream...
First Name: Evellia
Last Name: Balinko
Nickname: Eve, Tommy-Balinko, and Eve-Chan.
Age: 8
Like: Cookies, Sweets, Car Crashes, being strong, being better, Music, Dancing, Annaliese, and Marius.
Love: Her parents, DJ Candy (She's a Fan), Cleio (deep down), and Jodd (later on in BBI 0)
Dislike: Maggie (only times when to get revenge on Mizuki), and Cleio bumming her fun.
Hate: Mizuki, and Buzzkills.
Fear: Spankings, Demons, Deadite, and Bugs (not butterflies, ladybugs, and flys)
Hobbies: Playing Sports, and dancing.
Hair Color: Dark Blue.
Eye Color: Yellow.
Sex: Female
Race: Human/Brazilian
Lines: "Saweeeet!", "Grrr!", "Shit...", "I Hate Her", "Freak!!", and "Yea! That was Tight!"
Chinese Zodiac: Horse.
Birthday: March 18, 2002
Of course, we can't forget about her. ^^
Tough little firecracker, isn't she? XD
Batou: *sits down so that he's at Evellia's level* how are you doing?
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