The Wolf Girl is a girl who been rised by wolfs...
when she was a little girl (age, 6)... she was taking a bath, until a Tsunami struck Hijimo City (from the west from Ogama City), and washed her away, naked, and then a small boat washed her at a forest... until Wolfs sees her, and rise her until years later...
she is known as the Legendary Wolf Girl...
When encounter a human or suku... she greets them with a snarl, and growl....
but if you feed her, pet her, or so some niceness....
maybe she'll won't hurt you.... but if she's hungry, thats another story...
Fun Fact: Only comes out at Night...
Known Name: Wolf Girl
Real First Name: Rachel
Real Middle Name: Sara
Real Last Name: Orchild
Age: 22
Like: Meat, hunting, Aluma, Ayaka, and Nature
Love: Wolfs, Nature, and Aluma, and Damon
Dislike: Anyone.
Hate: Anyone, and Harm to nature...
Fear: a Strong Fighter.
Hobbies: ????
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: Pink/Red
Race: Human/Wolf-girl/European
Sex: Female
Line: "Rawl", "snarl", "Grrrr", "Uwaah!", "...Mmmmmh", "AAAAGHHH!!!", "EEEEEEKK!"
Chinese Zodiac: Dragon.
Birthday: October 15, 1988
Woah! Scary girl! O.O
Sexy, but scary! ^///^;
Pepper: Since I'm a wolf myself I think that the two of us will get along just fine. ^w^
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