Thursday, June 16, 2011

Karin Toxma

Karin is a Optimistic Young Fox girl. She loves to hang with Annaliese, cause shes in love with her. ^//^

Karin came from a Planet called Xenophis. her location is at a Big city called "City of Stardust"

Her Family is Smart, Collective, and Proper.
they hate when things are too fun... But Karin is shown to be the Black sheep of the family.. Karin hated her home life cause her Father, mostly her father... He keep telling her to be just like him. When Karin sign up for the circus, her father was very mad, and hated That outfit she's wearing... 

(Purple fur coat, Gray sleeveless shirt, Green Shorts, and Red Boots). 

Karin goes to the circus by learning a way to poof to Earth and She join a Circus, where she can be herself...

One Day, it was raining at 1:00 AM, Annaliese was watching the window and see a dark figure and she gotten scared and quicky dunk herself in the covers...

until 3 days later, She meets Karin cause, when a dog is chasing after Annaliese, Karin came and scared the dog away... Karin was that dark figure, and thanks to Karin's appearance, and her good deed, Annaliese wants to be friends with her...

Karin said, Annaliese is her very first NORMAL best friend forever...!

After that, Karin wants to live her forever and NEVER coming back to her home!

One day, Kevin, and Annaliese wants Karin to join them to their house. So, Karin became Annaliese's New Sister. ^//w//^

But A Year later, Karin seen Paprika made a new house at a nice, quiet forest.
Karin brings Annaliese with them, at first, Paprika wasn't sure to have Annaliese with them, since she want just Her and Karin, but Karin convinced Paprika to add Anna as a step sister. :)

Little did everyone know, Karin and Paprika's Great Grandfather Dr. Micheal Toxma, a Kitsune Scientist has been making odd mystic cannons with images of kitsunes, that only Toxma blood can use...

There is a hidden lab somewhere, but Karin and Paprika haven't find it yet.

Some have theories that Karin is not really Paprika's Little Sister...

There is a Greater Power within Karin; Her Kitsune blood may tap into 100% if provoked!

But she hasn't realized it .....Yet... or she does? We're not sure.

Fun Fact #1: She likes Mooning at people, just for the hell of it...

Fun Fact #2: She seems to be obsessed with Waffles, and calls them "Maffles!"

Fun Fact #3: She could be one of the strongest character of the series.

First Name: Karin

Last Name: Toxma

Age: 18

Like: Fun, Parties, Butts, Perverted related things, Racing, Fighting, Video Games, and Comedy Movies.

Love: Waffles (or Maffles), Annaliese, Mugz, Minta, and Paprika.

Dislike: Her Father (But when he's not being a stick in the mud, he's alright.), Paprika getting all the attention, and Dubstep.

Hate: Anyone hurts her friends and family

Fear: Annaliese and Paprika Hurt, and Killer Robots (Watched The Terminator 1984 when she was a kid.)

Hobbies: Fire Bending, Pranking, Mooning, Doing new tricks.

Hair Color: Fire Orange

Eye Color: White

Race: Fox-HI (Kitsune)

Sex: Female

Lines: "MAFFLES"

Birthday: June 16th