Senkia is a Mystical Ninja who use to live at Tosa, Japan...
She is a skilled ninja in fact, she can toss Shurikens, nice shot in Kunais, and her trusty sword, The Naginata.
Senkia likes to drink green tea, relaxing in the woods, and also wears the Red Outfit... when you'll never know if shes wearing panties, thong, or not...
Senkia hate it when people mistaken Senkia is a kid... because of her face look kiddish, and her being short... she ALSO known to be Kiki's Bitch.
Fun Fact: She's a Lesbian.
First Name: Senkia
Nickname: KAIHAA!, and Senki
Last Name: Kojo
Age: 22
Like: Computer programming, Girls, Tina, Games, Splash woman, Roll, and Nostalgic Critic.
Love: Kikisho, and Tina.
Dislike: buzzkills, Taking orders (but for given orders from Kiki), unnecessary bureaucracy, discounted ideas, people who don't give 100%
Hate: not getting what she wants, and stinky things.
Fear: Her Father, getting raped, and tight places
Hobbies: Training.
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: Light Purple
Lines: "Let's Go!", "Puns, I hate puns...", "Backoff, jackass!", "This Sux.", "Call me a bitch"
Sex: Female
Race: Japanese/Human
Chinese Zodiac: Dragon
Birthday: September 25, 1988
She is a skilled ninja in fact, she can toss Shurikens, nice shot in Kunais, and her trusty sword, The Naginata.
Senkia likes to drink green tea, relaxing in the woods, and also wears the Red Outfit... when you'll never know if shes wearing panties, thong, or not...
Senkia hate it when people mistaken Senkia is a kid... because of her face look kiddish, and her being short... she ALSO known to be Kiki's Bitch.
Fun Fact: She's a Lesbian.
First Name: Senkia
Nickname: KAIHAA!, and Senki
Last Name: Kojo
Age: 22
Like: Computer programming, Girls, Tina, Games, Splash woman, Roll, and Nostalgic Critic.
Love: Kikisho, and Tina.
Dislike: buzzkills, Taking orders (but for given orders from Kiki), unnecessary bureaucracy, discounted ideas, people who don't give 100%
Hate: not getting what she wants, and stinky things.
Fear: Her Father, getting raped, and tight places
Hobbies: Training.
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: Light Purple
Lines: "Let's Go!", "Puns, I hate puns...", "Backoff, jackass!", "This Sux.", "Call me a bitch"
Sex: Female
Race: Japanese/Human
Chinese Zodiac: Dragon
Birthday: September 25, 1988